Treating A Broken Arm or Wrist

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A broken wrist or arm is often the result of falling or from an accident. When this occurs, it can take up to eight weeks for this to heal for adults, but less time if a child breaks their wrist or arm. In order to get this taken care of, you must go to the doctor or the nearest emergency department in order to get this set and taken care of. In severe cases, an ambulance may need to be called.

Signs that your Arm or Wrist is Broken

A broken wrist or arm is often the result of falling with your arm outstretched. When this occurs, it can take up to eight weeks for this to heal for adults, but less time if a child breaks their wrist or arm.
A broken wrist or arm is often the result of falling with your arm outstretched. When this occurs, it can take up to eight weeks for this to heal for adults, but less time if a child breaks their wrist or arm.

There are several signs that your arm or wrist is broken. Most commonly, there is severe pain. However, other signs include:

  • Swelling
  • Tenderness in the affected area
  • There can also be bleeding if the bone pierces through the skin

Even with these signs, it could mean that you sprained the bone. However, an X-ray will be used to determine if this is broken or just sprained.

What it Feels Like To Have A Broken Wrist or Arm

Symptoms of a broken or dislocated wrist can include:

  • Pain, particularly when bending the wrist
  • Sensitivity
  • Inflammation
  • Bruising
  • Malformation of the wrist; it will look curved and twisted.

What to Do

If you think that the bone is broken, there are a few things that you need to do:

  • Do not drink or eat anything before going to the hospital in the event that they need to use anaesthetic.
  • You can use a sling before you go anywhere to help keep the bone stabilized.
  • An ice pack can help with swelling and pain.
  • If you are dealing with a child, be sure to give them comfort and reassure them.

Treating a Wrist or Arm that is Broken

Treatment is going to depend on how severe the wrist or arm appears. In most cases, there will be an X-ray done to determine the damage. The doctor will then secure the bone if broken, which can be painful. A cast is applied to ensure that the bone stays intact. Once you are released, you may be given pain medications to help deal with this. If there is a severe break, you may have to be referred to an orthopaedic doctor. There are times in which surgery will be required, which will require staying a day or two in the hospital.

If the broken wrist is distorted, your GP will have to reposition it. This can be fairly sore so it’s generally done with anesthesia. Though, sedatives will help when you are released.

Related Video On A Broken Arm or Wrist


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