Dealing With Abdominal Pain

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When a person has a stomach ache, they often have cramps or aching in their abdomen. This is usually caused by a small virus or upset, and is often short in how long it lasts. When a person is reporting serious pain in their abdomen, this is something that they should be concerned with. In fact, it could be a medical emergency if the pain started suddenly, especially if the pain is in the lower right side of the stomach.

Trapped Wind Causes Stomach Pain

When a person has a stomach ache, they often have cramps or aching in their abdomen. This is usually caused by a small virus or upset, and is often short in how long it lasts.
When a person has a stomach ache, they often have cramps or aching in their abdomen. This is usually caused by a small virus or upset, and is often short in how long it lasts.

When wind and bloating are in the stomach and is confined, this can cause a lot of pain and can be rather embarrassing as well. There are several items you can take that are over the counter that will help with trapped wind in the stomach.

Stomach Cramps and Diarrhoea

When stomach cramps are accompanied with diarrhoea, usually this can be blamed on gastroenteritis, otherwise known as a stomach bug. In most cases, this is caused by a virus or bacteria in the body. It will often last for a few days while your body fights this off. If you have a fever associated with the cramps and diarrhoea this could mean that you have food poisoning. In general, this will get better without medical treatment. If these symptoms are a common occurrence, it could mean that you have something such as irritable bowel syndrome, which will have to be confirmed by a medical professional.

Stomach Pain that is Severe and Sudden

If you have severe pain that is sudden and sharp in your stomach, you are going to want to get to the nearest doctor or emergency room. This could be something that is serious and requires immediate treatment to avoid this becoming worse.

Tips for a Healthy Stomach

There are several tips that can help with ensuring you have a healthy stomach. These tips include:

  • Eat healthy foods and eat smaller meals more frequently, as this can help to ensure that your digestive system has time to process foods and avoid upset stomach issues.
  • Quit smoking as smoking can lead to a higher chance of having acid reflux or heartburn
  • Lose the excess weight you may have as the more fat you have on your stomach, the more pressure you are having to deal with.

How Is Abdominal Pain Identified?

The reason of abdominal pain can be established by means of various assessments. Before conducting assessments, your GP will do a physical inspection. This consists of softly pressing on different parts of your stomach to see for any sensitivity and inflammation. This info, together with the amount of pain and its position within the stomach, will help your GP decide which assessments to perform.

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