Infusion Nursing Certification Process

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Nurses with experience in infusion therapy can expand their career by undertaking infusion nursing certification. Eligible nurses with infusion nursing experience get certification by passing CRNI exam.

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Requirements to get infusion nursing certification

It is good to note that not all nurses can get infusion nursing certification. First, it is only approved and licensed nurses that qualify. In addition, the license must also be provided in Canada or USA. Second, for a nurse to qualify he or she must have attained 1600 hours of experience in infusion nursing in the past two years. However, the 1600 hours of experience should not only be of bedside care. The experience incorporates other duties such as research, administration and teaching.

International applicants

Nurses from outside USA or Canada qualify for infusion nursing certification despite not having US or Canadian license. Those nurses with 1600 hours of experience can apply to take the course. However, they must present a report from an evaluation organization showing equivalence of their nursing training.

Once you get the qualifications, you are supposed to take the CRNI certification test. Unlike many other certifications, you are not supposed to have any infusion nursing educational background. Therefore, self study is key to getting the certification. Most institutions will provide CRNI bulletin that has most of the information about the course. As you go through the bulletin, you need to look at the test outline in order to get a broader overview on what you are supposed to learn in order to pass the exam and get the certification.

With the development of internet technology, there are several online programs approved in Canada where you can study and take the exams. The content covered is just the same as the one covered in normal classes or training. The criteria for qualification for the certification are also similar.

Certification exams/test

Next, it is good to find out what to study. The bulletin provided provides a list of study guides and exam references. It may not be possible to say the number of resources you require because each individual has different level of knowledge. To understand your progress in preparing for the exam, you can go through CRNI practice questions to measure your progress in preparing for the exam.  Different organizations offering infusion nursing certification have different criteria on the standards by which one gets the certification. The most important thing is to ensure you attain the required grades as per the institution offering the test.

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